Republicans Sweep in Atlantic County
Republicans even won the Atlantic County Sheriff's race

Sen. Vince Polistina, R-Atlantic, Assemblyman Don Guardian and Assemblywoman Claire Swift carried the Republican Party to victory in Atlantic County on Election Day.
“Great night for Atlantic County Republicans,” said Polistina. “Thank you for the honor of doing the job. Great night for us.”
Not only did the triumvirate retain their Senate and Assembly seats in NJ Legislative District 2, but they also ousted the incumbent Democrat Atlantic County Sheriff Eric Sheffler.

“I’ve been chasing this for 20 years,” said Republican Atlantic County Sheriff-elect Joe O’Donoghue. “I’m the first minority to hold the office.”
O’Donoghue, who is half white and half Japanese, said he is proud of his mixed heritage and will work hard to bring diversity to the Sheriff’s Department.
“I understand what it feels like to be treated different,” O’Donoghue said.
Sheffler said he will remain committed to safety and service in any way possible.
The Republican incumbent Atlantic County Executive Dennis Levinson also retained his seat, as did Republican At-large Atlantic County Commissioner John W. Risley. Risley’s District 2 running mate June Byrnes also beat out her Democrats opponents, Kim O’Brien and Habib Rehman.
Byrnes said success came from the strength of the Republican ticket. “It’s all amazing people from top to bottom,” said Brynes. “It’s the best ticket for Atlantic County.”
Republican Commissioner Andrew W. Parker III was also victorious in District 3, beating out Hector Taverez.
“For those that did not win, stay the course, stay involved” Parker said. “Hold us accountable. I don’t care if you’re Republican or Democrat, give me a call and the work that I’m doing is for the betterment of the people of Atlantic County.”
Atlantic County Republicans held a jovial celebration at the Linwood Country Club. The sound of laughter could be heard even approaching the country club from the doors outside.
Meanwhile, county Democrats gathered a few miles away at the Atlantic City Country Club in Northfield tried to find the silver lining in the dark cloud of election night.
“Tonight sucks,” said Michael Suleiman, the Atlantic County Democratic Committee Chairman. “It’s not fun. In low turnout elections we don’t do well. It’s all about turnout.”
For additional election results refer to the following Atlantic City Focus Election 2023 coverage. However, these are all unofficial vote totals, according to Board of Elections Commissioner Evelyn “Lynn” Caterson, who serves as board chair. Caterson said she expects all numbers to be certified by Nov. 22.
Senate Race
Polistina Maintains Legislative District 2 Senate Seat
Assembly Race –
Guardian, Swift Hold NJ Legislative District 2 Assembly Seats
Atlantic County Sheriff Race –
Republican O'Donoghue Unseats Incumbent Democrat Sheriff
Atlantic County Executive Race-
Republican Levinson Remains Atlantic County Executive
Atlantic County Commissioners At-Large Race
Republicans Win Atlantic County Commissioner At-Large Seats
Atlantic County Commissioner District 3 Race
Republican Parker Beats Tavarez in Atlantic County District 3 Commissioner Race

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