Honor Our Ancestors and Do Yourself a Favor -- Vote!!!
By Norris Hite Jr., Contributing Editor

(The views and opinions expressed here are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Atlantic City Focus. Any commentary content provided by our editors or authors are of their opinion and are not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company, individual or anyone or anything.)

There is an adage, “evil reigns when good men do nothing” that never is more appropriate than during election season.
I try to vote in every election for a few reasons. First, I think I am a good man and am not very good at doing nothing. Second, as a black man in America who is fairly well versed in our history, I feel obligated to vote. My ancestors bled, suffered, and died for that right. We, as a people, disrespect those who came before us enough. Lastly, I understand that if I never cast a ballet, I am voting. I am voting for whomever I think is the worst candidate. Also, like I said, I am not good at doing nothing.
When I was young, members of Congress were respected and revered. Many became historical icons. While there are many members of Congress who are worthy of those adjectives, there are far too many who seem to be only committed to themselves. For the average citizen, the perception is Democrat verses Republican and America gets lost.
When I was in college, I had a professor who told me that democracy was the greatest form of government on paper. However, in reality, it is the worst because people don’t do their due diligence and carry out their civic duty. I didn’t fully understand at the time, but I more than get it now. The election of Donald Trump was baffling to me, especially after he made the comment about grabbing women between their legs. Anyone who would have researched Trump would have seen that he was standing on a house of cards. The cards are beginning to collapse, and he still is embraced by a large percentage of the population.
The near election of Hershel Walker in the Georgia senate race was also mind boggling. Listening to speeches and researching history should have chased everyone away. I just don’t know what people were thinking.
Then there is one particular New Jersey state senator who is looking to get reelected. His name is Edward Durr. In 2020, Durr allegedly, posted on Facebook (in reference abortion) “A woman does have a choice! Keep her legs closed.” He also liked another post that suggested, “spaying women like dogs.” Two years later
he was elected to the state senate representing the third district. How did this guy get elected? Why isn’t everyone with a brain enraged by his comments?
If we are not going to participate in the process, we can’t complain when someone who has no credentials, experience, etc. and no interest in us, gets elected.