Atlantic City School Board Member Subrata Chowdhury's father's “Paralaukiya Kriya” Completed
Lovingly Submitted by Subrata Chowdhury

(To read the story in Bengali click here)
All of the religious ceremonies for Dipash Chowdhury, the late father of Atlantic City School Board member and author-journalist Subrata Chowdhury, were recently completed according to their religious customs, including the “Paralaukiya Kriya.” a set of Hindu rituals performed after someone’s death.
His youngest son Sanjib Chowdhury completed the Paralaukiya Kriya at Kaibalyadham in Chittagong on Dec. 8, Friday morning.
Similarly, as is customary in Hindu tradition, his elder son Subrata Chowdhury performed the same rituals at the Adya Kali Temple in the United States.
To mark the end of the 11-day ritualistic mourning period, a ceremony was held on Sunday, Dec. 10, at Rangam Convention Hall, Chittagong. Some of the notable attendees were:
- Chittagong Metropolitan Police Commissioner Krishna Pada Roy,
- Former Mayor of Chittagong City Corporation and General Secretary of Chittagong Mohanagor Awami League Mr. A.J.M. Nasir Uddin,
- Ex-administrator of Chittagong City Corporation Khorshed Alam Sujan,
- President of Bodhan Abritti Parishad Abdul Halim Dobhas
- General Secretary Pranab Chowdhury,
- Poet Utpal Kanti Barua
Many of the guests wrote their heartfelt sympathetic messages in the condolence book kept at the venue and expressed their deepest condolences to the bereaved family. Sincere gratitude and thanks are expressed by the bereaved family to those who mourned the death of late Dipash Chowdhury and participated in the Paralaukia Kriya.
The late Dipash Chowdhury passed away at a medical clinic in Chittagong at 10:28 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 28 after a long illness. Dipash Chowdhury was cremated at the Baluardighi Crematorium the night after his death.